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WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Breakfast for Champions

"You really have to take care of your health first."  
                                                                                    --Scott Pelley, CBS News 

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I do a lot of work helping people with disabilities achieve their goals.  In a recent conversation with the publisher of Parenting Special Needs magazine, we talked about the importance of breakfast for promoting good moods, learning, brain health, improved health outcomes and healthy habits.   The publisher talked about some of the challenges faced by parents of kids with special needs.  

The fact is that people with disabilities comes in all shapes, sizes, and ages.  When working parents have a child with a disability, morning routines can be complicated.  Some kids have food allergies or sensitivities, lactose intolerances, some don’t like foods to touch each other, some only eat foods that are certain colors, tastes, or textures, and then there are the picky eaters.  I have talked with many parents who can relate to these issues.  

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As a result of my conversation with the publisher, I offered to write an article for readers of Parenting Special Needs. I am including a link to the article because I know the information in it will add value to the lives of Wellness Wednesdays readers and their families.  The fact is that we ALL need to start our day with healthy and delicious breakfasts and ALL kids are champions. ALL kids deserve access to healthy foods.  

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I hope you find at least one idea in this article you can use.  Please let me know what YOUR champion’s favorite breakfast is by dropping me a line at wellness@growinghealthykids.org.    To read my "Breakfast for Champions" article, including 4 great tips, in Parenting Special Needs magazine, click here (or go to magazine.parentingspecialneeds.org and select the Sept/Oct 2016 issue) and then flip to pages 36-37. 

Be a good role model for your kids.  Eat a healthy breakfast and teach your kids about how to make great breakfasts!  With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can take care of your health first and take actions to protect the health of your family.

In gratitude,
Nancy L. Heinrich, MPH

Founder, Growing Healthy Kids, Inc. 

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