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Showing posts with the label MD
dangers of high fructose corn syrup MD Nancy Heinrich National Diabetes Month preventing diabetes in children Robert Lustig UCSF

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Sugar is the Elephant in the Room

"Sugar in excess is a toxin, unrelated to its calories.  The dose determines the poison. … Read more WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Sugar is the Elephant in the Room
WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS:  Tomatoes, Diabetes and Alzheimer's
childhood obesity and diabetes David Perlmutter Growing Healthy Kids MD Nancy Heinrich preventing diabetes The Grain Brain Cookbook

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Tomatoes, Diabetes and Alzheimer's

“The idea that your risk for Alzheimer’s is tied to diabetes may seem inconceivable at first.  But … Read more WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Tomatoes, Diabetes and Alzheimer's