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Showing posts with the label sodas and obesity
WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS:  Part 2: "I have diabetes.  Please help me."
CDC Growing Healthy Kids high fructose corn syrup I have diabetes. Please help me. preventing diabetes in kids Nancy Heinrich sodas and obesity tips for controlling diabetes

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Part 2: "I have diabetes. Please help me."

“Monitoring carbohydrate intake, whether by carbohydrate counting or experience-based estimation, r… Read more WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Part 2: "I have diabetes. Please help me."
#eatrealfood childhood obesity Growing Healthy Kids healthy eating tips for parents losing weight Nancy Heinrich Obesity in America preventing diabetes in kids sodas and obesity


“I have not failed. I’ve found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”                                       … Read more WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Obesity in America