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Easy Science Experiments for Kids

Easy Science Experiments for Kids

This is an amazing children's science experiment for the primary school years - Key stage 2. In this range of experiments, we will discover how static electricity can be so magical and so much fun!

For this science experiment you will need some following materials that can easily be found at home or in the classroom:
Easy Science Experiments for Kids
Easy Science Experiments for Kids

2 inflated balloons with string attached 
Your hair (yes your hair!) 
Any Aluminum can 
And a Woolen fabric 
Tissue paper torn to tiny pieces 
A clean desk to work on

Once you have the materials, let's start!

In this children's science experiment, let's blow two balloons very carefully and tie a knot to stop them from deflating. Make sure you keep the balloons away from each other. Secondly; take one balloon at a time, then gently rub one at a time against the woolen fabric. Now; try to move the balloons towards one another. Did you notice something? Look again. What do did you see? Are they attracted or do they move away from each other? Magic!

Now take one balloon and place it over the tiny pieces of tissue paper. Again; notice anything odd?

Let's try another children's science experiment for static and magnetic electrical fun! For this you will need someone to tell you what's happening. Now take one of the balloons and rub it back and forth on their hair, then slowly pull it away asking them if they felt anything. What did you see?

This is our third totally cool experiment! Place an aluminum can on its side by a table; now rub the balloon against your hair. Hold it close to the can and watch what happens. Anything? Now slowly move the balloon away and see it follows the can.

What did you find?

Well; When we rub our hair or the balloon against a woolen fabric, your hair creates something called static electricity. Static electricity occurs when tiny particles surrounding the balloon called, 'negatively charged particles' jump to 'positively charged particles', surrounding the second balloon (or your hair).

Rubbing your hair against the balloon makes your hair become negatively charged because the balloon has taken some electrons from your hair leaving it positively charged! Your hair will magically stand out like you've been shocked! You have charged hair, how awesome is that!

In these experiments, we have proven that unlike matters attract too because your positively charged hair was attracted to your balloon and your balloon was attracted to an aluminum can which was positively charged.

Try these experiments with your friends at home and also teach them that unlike matters attract too!

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