WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: A 3 Step Method to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS:A 3 Step Method to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
By Jim Crosby
A 3 Step Method to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes- The Vast majority of American doctors prescribe a myriad of diabetes medications. This is because the doctors just don't know any better and worse yet, prescribing pharmaceutical medication is part of their training. The pharmaceutical companies are now in the medical schools of America. They are at Harvard Medical School. They are at the UC Irvine Medical School. Why? To teach these young medical students the so-called "benefits" of these pharmaceutical companies and these same pharmaceutical companies donate billions of dollars a year to the medical schools.
"As student exposure to the pharmaceutical industry increases, their ability to determine industry bias decreases. In losing their ability to detect bias and analyze pharmaceutical marketing statements objectively, medical students hinder their future ability to practice evidence based medicine." (Kshiragar, R and Vu, Priscilla 2016, The Pharmaceutical Industry's Role in US Medical Education, In Training)
Over the last 40 to 50 years, the pharmaceutical industry has spent over 5 billion dollars a year on their combined marketing efforts, this is many times more than what they spend on research into say a cancer cure. The pharmaceuticals aren't interested in cures of anything. If you get cured, they are out of a job. The only thing they want is money period. This is a completely greed driven business.
A 3 Step Method to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes |
This is why getting this information to the consumer, the everyday diabetic is so difficult. Most Americans, most of us, we believe the doctors when they tell us this or that of the other thing. We don't know that these doctors have been inculcated themselves and don't know what they are talking about.
Let me give you a recent example with my own doctors and I truly love these women, but unfortunately they don't know what they are talking about, so here's what happened.
Last summer I made a massive effort to get my A1c back down below 6.0. Over the past 12 months because of carelessness, my A1c had gone back up to 8.8. That was horrible and I wanted it down, so I went to what I call several of my juicer and fasting diets.
In August when I went in for my blood test, the results were an A1c of 6.2. Here is what my doctor said. "Well, that's good, now you are pre-diabetic." I thought to myself, What. She didn't say, you don't need metformin anymore. She didn't reduce the dosage, nothing. She did say, keep up the good work.
Then most recently when I went back after my last blood test, my A1c came in at 5.8. This time she reduced my metformin from 2 doses of 1000mg to 2 doses of 500mg. Just so you know, I had quit my metformin months before. I didn't need it. I could tell from my daily blood sugar readings. This blessed woman didn't know what she was talking about period, but this is what happens in America. These medical doctors are brainwashed and they don't know what they are talking about.
So here is your chance to take advantage of a program, that will get your A1c down to normal levels and reverse your diabetes. Come join us.
If interested in reversing your diabetes, you can find my book here, http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=the+diabetes+diet+james+crosby
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9842215
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