WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Epiphany of the Sown Seed
WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: Epiphany of the Sown Seed
Today during my devotions I was reading the parable of the sower (Matt 13:1-9). It tells the story of how the sower throws his seed (which I am certain was not free) over the ground. Some landed among the rocks, some among weeds, and some in fertile ground. What fell in fertile soil produced "some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty" (v.8). This got me to thinking about how much truth there is to that parable in relation to our businesses. My first thought was focused on how the training we receive often goes unheeded.
How many times have you attended a chat or conference that you knew would benefit you only to return to the old habits? You know that what you received was wise counsel, but you get back and into your old routine never to implement the new technique you learned. Did you really learn it? Or did you just hear it? Therein lays the difference. If indeed you had learned it would you not put it into practice?
Maybe during the program you purchased a training series. Was that purchase something you really needed and went through or did you purchase and say to yourself, I'll get to it later and then never did? Like you, I too have gotten part way through a course only to get diverted and never finish. Why not go back now and finish? This will benefit both you and your customers as you can learn and apply new techniques that may have been buried near the end of the course that you missed by not finishing.
The second epiphany I had was how to your marketing is affected by the seeds you sow. Yes, communication can be the issue here, but just perhaps it is who you are actually marketing to. Have you taken the time to sort out who you are trying to share your message with, or are you merely shot gunning in your marketing approach?
Even if you happen to target the right group in your marketing efforts it doesn't mean you will actively engage them all. As in our parable the seed that fell on fertile ground produced "some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty." What this tells me is that while your marketing message may be properly honed to your interested buyer not every buyer will receive and utilize your entire offering.
Among those that purchase your product or service you will find that some totally get it while others only utilize a portion of your offering. Perhaps if you kept in contact with the ones you see aren't growing to their full capability they too may become part of the "hundredfold".
Like a good dose of sun and water does for plants, your customers and clients need and want you to help them. It could be as simple as sending them a well-timed card or picking up the phone and actually calling them that will spur them to take action. If you don't have their contact information you should at least have their email and add them to your ezine subscriber list. I trust you have an ezine and auto responder system in place.
Lest you forget those "hundredfold"ers, they too need nurturing. One thing I have found most beneficial in my business is to offer a ten percent referral bonus on first invoice. Another thing you can do is to send this crop an unexpected thank you gift. Your present could be a gift card even or a product they have not yet tried.
Perhaps it is time you invested in a physical promo piece. These subtle marketing items often get handed on and therefore you never know who may pick it up or where it will end up. Pens are one of the best choices in this area. However, there are many other products that you can emblazon with your brand that may be even more beneficial.
When you take the time to invest in yourself and your business your efforts will not fall among the rocky soil. Commit to being fertile soil and focused in your marketing approach and you will exponentially grow your business.
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