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WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: A Garden to Carry With You

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: A Garden to Carry With You

A Garden to Carry With You- I am blessed to have a sister who is, without a doubt, an angel on this planet. She's my elder sister and lives in the beautiful state of Vermont. She and her partner have 7 (yes S-E-V-E-N!) adopted children, all of whom have special needs. They are 2 of the most wonderful people you'll ever meet. Their capacity to love and to give are stellar examples of what Jesus taught.

Cricket has always been a great source of strength for me. When I am having difficulties dealing with my own Life, hers is the number I dial. The thing that makes her counsel so valuable to me is that she never tells me what to do, never assumes to know 'just how you feel' and never, ever makes judgements. She listens with her whole Self and then offers perspectives that she thinks may be helpful. It is her unfailing attention and sincere kindness that puts me (and all the others she counsels) at ease. She makes 'offerings'; she does not give 'solutions'. It's her intuitive nature that shines through every time.

During a recent conversation, I was in a great deal of physical pain. I'd called simply to hear her voice and have that voice help soothe my body. I was in great distress and even greater pain. I'd attempted to meditate and breathe deeply in order to ease this pain, but was having no success. Finally, feeling as if I could bare it no longer, I called. The moment she answered the phone she knew something was wrong. She asked what was going on and then listened with great patience. I hate crying over the phone, as it makes me feel as if I'm imposing a great burden on the person who's listening. What can they do when there are thousands of miles between us? But on this day, I knew I had to get it out. I needed help and she was the one person who would lovingly offer it.

After I finished sharing my 'story', I grabbed the box of kleenex on my bedside table and tried to relax. She waited a few moments and said, "My sister, I'm honored and grateful you called me. You know how much I love you and there's nothing I want more than to have you well. Are you ready for some seeds?"

She went on to explain where we were going to plant them. "You know that part of your hand, just between your thumb and forefinger, where it's kind of fleshy? We're going to plant some seeds there and the next time you're feeling this pain, I want you to squeeze that part of your hand and hold onto it. Close your eyes and let those seeds bloom in your mind. This will be your medication for as long as you need it."
I put my fingers where she'd directed and listened. For the next 10 minutes, she offered beautiful, loving thoughts of healing and forgiveness. She painted pictures in my mind with her words, speaking in the softest of tones. Every now and then, she asked me to take deep breaths and together we planted those seeds. The air that flowed in and out of my lungs felt fresh and cool. I could almost feel soil under my fingers as she spoke. When, at last, she was finished, I was acutely aware of how much better my body felt. The pain had dimished so much that I could actually stand up and walk across the room without wincing. Immediately I started laughing, a big belly laugh that bounced off the walls and came back to me like an echo. She was laughing too, a laugh that made my heart dance. Oh, what a gift she'd just given me!

So now, whenever I feel pain or am lost in the fog of my own fear, I take my fingers and press that spot on my hands. The moment I do, I can hear her voice and see the stunning 'flowers' of the seeds we planted that day. My breathing instantly slows. My body instantly begins to relax. My heart listens to the love she so willingly shares with me. At that moment, all is well in my world. And I have her to thank. As she told me that day, right before we hung up the phone, "Now, my sister, you can carry your garden with you wherever you go. Water it often. Tend it well. It's yours to grow." It just doesn't get much better than that!

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