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WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS: How do I stop smoking cigarettes?

How do I stop smoking cigarettes?

"How do I stop smoking cigarettes?" is a question that, sooner or later, we're all going to have to ask of ourselves. The urge to quit smoking is greater in all of us than it ever was before, thanks to all of the information cached on the internet which reveals smoking cigarettes to be an ugly, expensive, harmful habit. Indeed, the internet has cached similar tales of the harmful effects of smoking, which include breathing ailments, cancer, and many other potential fatal maladies such as sudden weight loss and hypertension. Smoking is simply not the best way to lose weight!

For all the information about cigarettes cached on the internet, perhaps the most damning evidence is the fact that most international tobacco companies simply don't care what happens to you, as long as you keep on smoking cigarettes, and making them rich! Smoking is literally taking money out of a poor man's pocket to make a rich man richer. So, the time to quit smoking is always a good time. Thousands of similar testimonies confirm this fact. So, don't be afraid to quit smoking cold, if you can manage it.

Quitting smoking cold, or in cold turkey fashion, as the saying goes, may not always be the best approach to break the habit. There are many smoking aids, such as nicotine gum and patches, available. The CDC certainly recommends that you give them a try. Again, quitting smoking cold turkey is not for everyone, so make use of the alternatives that are available. One may very well be enough to break the cycle of addiction for good. Certainly, all of the information about smoking cigarettes cached on the internet does nothing but give the CDC more credence for their suggestion that you should quit smoking cold, or at least search for good ways to combat the habit. Tobacco is a stone cold killer, so if it means cooking a turkey instead of smoking, and giving up temporarily on your dreams of weight loss, do it! Better a few extra pounds than an early grave! So, however you manage it, you really should quit smoking today.

Similar testimonies about smoking cigarettes cached on the internet reveals many additional good reasons to quit. Smoking aids such as the patch and nicotine gum are good ways to begin, but many similar results concerning their use point to the fact that it may take several attempts to succeed. Quitting smoking cold turkey may be too difficult. So, if cooking a turkey works for you, don't be ashamed to indulge yourself. Tobacco is a habit that deserves to be stopped cold, however you manage it, and smoking cessation should be the number one goal on your list of things to do. Think of the good you'll be doing yourself and your loved ones! So don't be afraid to search for tips and ways to quit for good.

Smoking cessation is serious business, and shouldn't be taken lightly. You shouldn't expect to lose weight. In fact, your appetite may return with a vengeance, after being suppressed for so many years. Don't let this be your reason not to quit! Simply eat healthier, and don't let cigarettes win the battle. All of the information about cigarettes cached on the internet is there to help you win the fight, and there is plenty of information and helpful tips about ways to control your appetite once you have decided to quit smoking for good. The cached information on the internet is there to help you, so feel free to make use of it.

One thing is for sure: you need to quit today, before you come down with lung disease or cancer, or before you expose your loved ones to harmful second hand smoke. If you are pregnant, you should certainly consider quitting smoking cold turkey, if you can manage it. The health of your precious child is certainly at stake, so you owe it, not only to your own self, but your unborn child's as well, to quit smoking. Much of the information about smoking cigarettes cached on the internet is directed toward expectant mothers. If you find yourself in the family way, quit smoking today! There are plenty of incentives, and many rewards, to doing so. Stop smoking cigarettes for your child's health, and let them come into the world free of impediments such as asthma and other breathing disorders and possible birth defects.

In conclusion, feel free to quit smoking cold, or make use of whatever smoking aids you feel are necessary to help you achieve this goal. Whether you quit for your own benefit, or for the good of your family, do it today, and live healthier and happier as a result! Cigarettes are an enemy of society, and should be judged and ultimately rejected as such.

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