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WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS:Challenges with Kids Playing Unblocked Games at School

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS:Challenges with Kids Playing Unblocked Games at School

Depending on the area where you live, elementary and middle schools may have computers and laptops in their classrooms. This has had several positive impacts for students, such as allowing them to start using technology at an early age as well as giving them an additional way to learn in class. Students are also able to get more of their homework done at school instead of at home by being able to do research and assignments online. There has been one negative aspect to having computers in class and that is when a small handful of kids try to play unblocked games at school.

For teachers, it is a challenge because they are not able to always keep an eye on what websites the kids are accessing when they go online. Depending on what search terms the students are using to search for unblocked games at school, they are likely to run into a website or two that contains mature adult content. This may mean they see images of blood or violence that is not appropriate for their age level.

It is up for debate whether it is okay to allow kids to play computer games in class that are not for learning purposes when there are free hours of the day such as at lunch or recess. Once kids are able to play online games during those times, that there is that chance it will try to sneak in gaming action during regular class sessions. This can cause a distraction for the entire class as well as for the teacher.

When kids are playing video games online during the school day, they are missing out on interactions with other classmates and learning how to get along with others. There is also a loss of exercise time if kids are staying inside for recess to sit in front of the computer screen if the play on the playground.

School officials can work to block access to games online by applying filters to certain popular gaming websites or by using filters for keywords to prevent popular search terms from bringing up online gaming websites that kids can access. One problem with kids accessing gaming sites where there aren't downloadable links as at some of those gains may contain malware or harmful viruses which could impact the school's computer system.

Teachers need to make sure that students are aware of the computer game policy in the classroom so if there are any rules broke in students will not be surprised when the proper punishment is applied to them.

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